Saturday, February 24, 2007

I may not have a golden heart, i may not have what you are looking for.. But i can promise that I'll be the best that i could for you, and I can promise to go through thick and thin with you. To smile despite difficult situation, so that you dont have to worry much. To give a listening ear, so that you can rant to me all that's in your heart.. To give a warm hug, so that you will never feel abandoned and alone. To pray for you, so that you'll have a long, safe and happy life.. That's all that i could afford to give.

Maybe not a golden heart..Maybe not what you are looking for..But only the best that i could give for you. I love you.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

In this life/world full of sins, I tried to be the best for you.. Even so, only my imperfections are visible to you. I'm still trying to be the best but along with that, non-stop prayers are being said. Now, I'm surrendering my whole fate/future in His hands.

In this life/world full of sins, I pray you and me together we go through the right path.. And not be lost like others.

In this life/world full of sins, I hope you can see the sincerity. For it hurts so much not to be trusted or believe.

However, in this life/world full of sins, I can only pray and hope, pray and hope, but decisions are up to Him...Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Raheem..
It's a bit too late..But well, here goes.. A reunion in KL.

When the power combines, we are ..... Hahakz! Guess yourself..
Sedap sedap..Bismillah..
Here comes the family..Wee....