Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've not been having free time to touch my lappy. Even if I do, I'm always busy(lazy rather) doing other stuff. What an owner. So sad. Anyway, Syawal this year has been a blast! Hahakz.. I'm exaggerating. Not exactly a blast one but definitely a memorable one. Met friends that I've not seen for a long time; brought back the secondary school aura. Lovely..

And Sunny looks very "Sachak" in that piece..haha. Quuuuu-nuuuuud. *grins* I really enjoyed myself and had fun dear. *Flying hugs over to you at Brunei*

Here's some candy memoirs to end the Syawal post. Smile always...

Oh oh wait.. I need to show you this! Must watch this Jangan Jangan video! Enjoy..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gaya: Hey maiza.....its indeed sad news that you will be leaving us....but anyway its good to know you were expected in of luck there and ya we should all meet up for dinner some wil b 1 girl short in our group from now...:-(....will definitely miss u.....:-)

Shu Hui: You caught me in surprise. Feel sad to hear that you are leaving the course.
Hey, our F5 group got to change name to F4 because of you lah. Is your fault! Haha! Really enjoy working together with you as a team for the past half year.
Wish you all the best in your future undertaking and do keep us in contact okay.

Weng Yee: Hallo. so sad ... ... what an unexpected news... ... It's been great studying, working on projects together. Wish you all the best in your future undertakings. Do remain in contact with all of us always.

JJ: Hey girl! oh gosh, so sad to hear you are leaving the course as we had so much fun working projects out like madness, but nevertheless I really wish you all the best in you becoming a teacher!..please do keep in touch ok? Lets meet up for dinner or something shall we girls?

Let's welcome........ MISS MAIZA!!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008