Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Day In Japan
The flight was so cool. But scary. Hehe.. I really do have phobia in height. But after awhile the journey was smooth and okay.. Once landed in Kansai Airport, I was amazed with the different kind of technology they have there. Not enough with scanning fingerprints, they also scan your face for photo. At that time i was so excited to get out of the building because they said the temperature outside was 12 degrees cel. Finally when im out, cold wind brush through my face. For a moment i thought it was the air-conditioned but no! It’s the ambience itself. Your eyes get squinted by the glaring sun but yet you can feel the coolness in your face. We got onto the bus (what they called as limousine) which was like 70 minutes journey to our hotel New Hankyu. We wanted to check in but they said we are only allowed to do so after 2. Great and now is like only 10am. So what the heck we just wander wander around la. And....I cant stand whatever comments came out from her mouth. Currently while typing all this both bosses are on the ferris wheel ride. I told them im afraid of height which is partly true but the real truth is that i want to be alone. It seems cool to be alone here. Everybody is like minding their own business. Not noisy..relax pace. How i wish Singapore is the same.
---signing out at 12:20pm Osaka time.

I get to have the room all alone! shiok. Freedom. Haha. Once in the room i took out all my clothes and hang them nicely in the wardrobe. Toiletries I placed them in the washroom nicely.. My laptop, camera, hp on the study table.. And so on and so forth. It’s just like having your own house. You can decorate or place the things the way you want. After taking a long hot shower, i glued myself to the computer. My intention was to practice presentation for tomorrow but i ended up watching meteor garden. While the two aunties went out for dinner, i stayed in my room and ate the rendang and lontong mama gave. Sedap eventhough it’s cold. Miss home la..
---signing out at 07:30pm Osaka time.

Second Day in Japan
I woke up at 6:00 and straightaway look out the window to see how the sky was. It was still dark but its like 6.45 singapore time kind of dark. After ironing my clothes, I looked out the window again and saw the sky was already starting to be bright. That time it was around 6.30. The day here starts early it seems. 7.45am sharp we met Wada san at the lobby. He said he’ll walked us to the headquarters which i thought was like few blocks away but guess what! It was few streets away! The weather was like oh my to describe.. so cold. Even when you talked you can see icy smoke coming out from your mouth. This was something that I could only see on tv or when i put ice in my mouth. So just imagine the coldness and silly me, i didn’t bring my glove. Not like i didn’t bring it at all but i left it at the hotel. Back to the walking part, I realised that Japanese people like to walk. Walk walk walk.. I don’t know whether they want to warm themselves up or what. And eventhough a lot of our cars came from Japan, but not many of them are driving. Mostly walk or took bicycle. No wonder the air here is very fresh. And for your info it’s hard to see trees here. If in Singapore you could see trees along the road, here, at least at this Hankyu place, i see no trees! The funny thing was no trees but yet the air is fresh. The wonders of walking. Haha..
Anyway, I thought only few countries are presenting but i was shocked to know that 16 groups are participating! Oh my god! I was damn nervous. Especially when Christine told me to do the whole presentation alone. She said she got no confidence in Madam Phua. I’m like so not prepared but what can I say. I told madam phua to operate the laptop but even so she already nervous wrecked. The presentation have to stop half way because Madam phua stumbled upon certain slides..but i don’t really mind. It’s just Chris..she kept making faces. The presentation went well.. I don’t know what san la, but he likes out idea very much. Alhamdulillah.... I can now type this entry in piece while eating my mee cup. Hehe..
Oh yeah i read Cally’s email just now. She was so poor thing. But cute la.. Oh yeah i might be going back earlier because we just found out that we are not involve in the automotive conference tomorrow and Friday. I want to go back.. I miss Singapore already...
Oh yeah i forgot to mention about the place i visited today. Its call, the..oh dear i forgot..Gardens of lighting?..Something like that la. The place is so beautiful and romantic. Light (glow in the dark) of different colours are everywhere.. on the floor..It really looks like a garden and most of the people there were couples. Very nice very memorable. Couldnt take pictures as it was too dark and if i were to use flash, it will kill the lightings.. Oh yeah, before we went to the garden, we were told to write our wishes in a card and put it into a starry box. I wished for nothing much. Just happiness with everybody.(i know silly to tell others my wishes, but hey, wishes are just wishes..Doa lagi power..)
Okay that’s all..I want to watch Meteor Garden. (another love garden..hehe)
---signing out at 11:00pm Osaka time.

Third day in Japan
Since we are not involve in the automotive conference, sweet 26 years old Takeda san volunteered to bring us around the R&D plant. Sounds boring but actually it was quite interesting.. I learned a lot over there. They even had a special room for smokers. In the room they will be a suction machine so that the room wont be so stuffy with smoke. Nippon Paint Singapore should do this. I cant stand them polluting the air. Hehe.. (action seh). Travelling in Osaka was very confusing. So many stations. But give me a month or so I might get used to it. Something embarrassing happened today. Takeda san brought us to a restaurant which claimed that they sells nutritious food. It was a very cosy restaurant. The staff brought us to a room and turn on the heater for us. Really cosy.. When they asked me what I want to eat, I went like “Hmmm...”, gave them the best smile I could gave, unzipped my bag, and took out my sweet chilli flavoured mackerel can food. I looked at Takeda san and said I only want plain rice and was wondering if they could heat up for me the can food. He looked at me with disbelief and laughed. They laughed. Basket.. I felt like throwing the can food at his head. Anyway, he nod and said he’ll try. The waitress was very cute. I don’t know what he said to her but she goes like this, “haik,haik,haik..” all the way..and came back with a bowl of rice, heated can food and some pickles to go along. My dish turned out to be delicious. I ate like a monster. Haha. But i still feel like knocking something onto that Takeda san’s head. During dinner he told us that he will bring us to a special restaurant. They insist that i should joined them and bring along my can food like just. I just snapped a big NO to them and begged Madam phua to be more understanding. And so...I had instant noodles for dinner. Nicer okay, especially when I have Meteor Garden to accompany me.
---signing out at 7:00pm Osaka time.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

On one lovely night, prince charming gave me this. I felt like Cinderella. But when clock strucks 12, prince charming back to camp. I felt like Maiza.. Haha. I'm just a "little" late to post this right..Thank you dear. Hugs Hugs.