Sunday, March 23, 2008

Alhamdulillah..we got Gold award for our IQC project. Congrats TT. I'm so glad... Guess who's the star presenter. Me!!! hehe.. Logistics dept has never emerged as a champion and none became the star presenter before. I'm glad, I made a difference. I'm glad I could proof something before I leave the place. I'm glad I could proof Christine wrong.

Oh, we won $800 plus 1% of our cost saving and also a trip to Japan(not possible for me as I'm quitting)..
*smile smile all the way smile smile*

My brother could play the drum well, and somehow I'm proud of it, but at times I regret it. Whenever he works on his drums I felt like he's tearing this house apart. Each beat he made gives a loud bang in my head. Especially when I come back home from work, tired and sleepy, the drums are the last thing I want to hear. I will shout at the top of my lungs to stop him from playing but my voice will be drown by the powerful beat of his drums. Waste energy shouting.
Since there's nothing I could do to stop him, now I will just let the beat diffuse into my cell membrane, enjoy it, and just pretend I'm hearing a lullaby. It works.. Now I could sleep peacefully despite him playing like a mad person.


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