Saturday, April 19, 2008

Smile so wide..heheh. *winks*
Beside me is Mr Wang Chyang the Managing Director of NPS.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Yippee hurray!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hey.. Decided not to go to work today. So lazy and sleepy. 3 hours of intense learning causes me a day of resting. That's expensive. Anyway, Monday's lesson was interesting. Business Economic was the module. Cool.. Learned new terms like spill over, opportunity cost, and what is a PPC curve. Quite interesting, but i need to listen hard. It's a whole new thing for me. Today's module would be Marketing Management. anxious. *winks*

Last Saturday, my two darlings came for lunch. Late lunch I supposed. I'm very grateful they came.. We are like family, busy in the kitchen, fried chicken, prepare the table.. Ayu made lovely cupcakes. Chocolate & strawberry. hehe.. Too bad I dont have my camera with me or I would have post the picture now. I will eventually, as soon as the camera gets back to my hand. Thank you once again guys.. I hope we will have another gathering soon...