Saturday, February 07, 2009

Let me tell you what happened on Friday. I started lesson after recess which was at 3.25. I've only 2 periods of English and a period of Maths with my darlings before we proceed for our PE. This is what happens every Friday. But what not supposed to happen on last Friday was, a bee visited us while we were doing Maths. Being an adult, I told myself to stay calm eventhough my heart was shrieking like mad. I told my darlings to stay quiet as the bee is attracted to noise (I don't know where i learned this theory). The bee being bee, they love the light. As calm as I tried to stay, my heart told me to do something about the bee. To shoo it away. So i ran to switched off the lights thinking that I'll use the broom to chase it away. Unfortunately, after I switched off, POOP, the bee dropped to the floor and that's when my darlings jumped out from their seats and dashed to me. Some even hugged me. Haha. I switched on the lights again, then switched off, then switched on, not really knowing what to do. Not so brave after all.. At last, I decided to go for an early PE lesson. What a day.. I already planned my lesson well and that bee sibuk only. PE was fun. My favourite subject. *grins* Next Tuesday, there'll be no lesson as we are visiting the.....Butterfly Park! @ Sentosa. Maybe I should bring a camera. Then you can see my darlings. *rubbing hands*


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